Kennel WayToGo
Kennel Waytogo is located in north of Sweden and was founded by Anna-Britta Antonsson in 2009. In 2013 Tori Malm became co-owner of the kennel and in 2017
Anna-Britta exit the kennel. 2019 Urica Maistedt entered as new co-owner in the kennel.
about Tori
I got to know mini pins in 2005 and the next year I got my first own dog, in 2009 my first litter was born.
When I met Anna-Britta in 2008 I soon realized that ridgeback was my "new" breed and when it was time for Leya to have her first litter I knew I wanted a puppy from her.
In 2010 the apple of my eye was born; Waytogo Halo 'Telma'.
In 2014 my second ridgeback came to me from Slovakia; Excellent Nikki of Perla Afriky. Nikki entered into our lives like a breath of fresh air! Now a days Nikki lives with Ulrica since that arrangement was best for the both of us.
After many years without my own grooming dog, I got a miniature schnauzer. In 2019, Neneva's Amazing-Amos stumbled into our home. Kaiser comes from my good friend and kennel colleague Eva Medin, owner of Neneva's kennel in Sollefteå. In the autumn of 2021, I decided to let my good friends, Frida Maistedt and Daniel Westman, have him on breeders terms since they've got very fond of him after taking care of him when needed. Nowadays he lives in a big house with a huge yard, which he also shares with Frida and Daniel's sons, Tim and Noel.
Autumn 2022 my second miniature schanuzer, Nenevas Easygoing Emmet, was added to our kennel family. Brolle is loved and cared by Carina and Mats Ohlsson. He lives with his big brother Bamse and our hopes are that he can be a part of our breeding program in the future.
Over the years I have been fortunated to meet many different dogs of different breeds, this has given me a very clear idea of what I seek for and what I will achieve with my breeding.
For me, the primary is that a dog will fit into everyday life; around adults, children, other dogs and any other animals. To make this possible, a good mental health is a must!
Of course I also strive for a good physical helath, to breed on known defects or ilnesses is not an option even if the dog is a nice individual.
If the dogs I breed turns out to have well balanced bodies suitable for shows, this is a bonus.
I wish to give my puppies and their owners a good start of their new lives together, to be there to support them through all the different situations that may arise with a big or small dog.
I've always had a close relationship to my breeders and for me it's important to give the same support to my puppy buyers.
about Ulrica
I live in Sollefteå with 3 rhodesian ridgebacks; Nikki who lived with Tori, Leah who's from Ulrika Källse, Kennel PowerOfGrace and Mila from Evergraces Kennel.
I've had dogs for pretty much my entirel life but got my first rhodesian ridgeback 2017, before that I had spaniel- and retriever dogs.
I love beeing out walking in the forrest! Dog shows and dog training are some of my biggest interests!
I have always enjoyed taking courses and tracking, even before I got my ridgebacks. With one of my flat coated retrievers I tried dog showing, however to no great extent.
Breeding and dog shows are still something new for me. Therefore it feels good to share the kennel with Tori, to get advice and support and that we can help eachother.
As my two grown up sons, Eddie and Eric, moved to their own homes, my dog interest has changed a bit. My interest for dogs has always been huge but now is the time to really focus on what I want to do with dogs.
My hopes are that we will do some more tracking but also enter more dog shows. I like the community; getting to meet and get to know new people is as much fun as the exhibition itself!
When it comes to breeding I think that a good mentality is a prerequisite for whether or not an individual is suitable for breeding. . There I fully share Tori's thoughts and opinions that mental health is as important as the physical one.
I am very much looking forward to my first own litter, with all that it entails.