Swedish Winner Show 2019
What a start of show season 2019!
April 19 we went to Sundsvall and Swedish Winner show 2019, 53 entries. We had 4 dogs entering; Aaron from our C-litter (Telma-Dante) and Dixon, Dante and Zelda from our D-litter (Telma-Greif).
Dixon was not a dog for this judge and he received a Very Good. Dante got an Execellent and became 2nd in competition class. Zelda got an Excellent as well and became 3rd in competition class with CQ, no further placement in best bitch competition.
Aaron entered in a strong Champion Class and won it! He then ended up as Best Male with CACIB and BEST OF BREED which gave him a new title; SWEDISH WINNER 2019! I'm so incredible happy, proud and thankful, I can hardly believe it happend! Thanks to judge Sara Nordin, Sweden and thanks to all my amazing puppy buyers for a great day!