Updates from the summer so far...

In June 14 we went to Vännäs National Dog Show with Telma and Nikki. Telmas son Aaron were also there with his family to enter his 2nd show and I had the great pleasure to show him, again. He managed it very well and ended up with an Exc4 in his class, such good boy!
Then it was time for Nikki entering junior class for the 3rd time since we started showing and she did a great job as well; Exc, winner of her class with CQ and finally 4th Best Bitch with her first CAC!!! She had two champions and one veteran before her so I believe she managed very well! At last Telma got Exc2 with CQ but unplaced in best bitch competition. How ever she was in an excellent mood and did a great performance all though she doesn't like shows, my good girl!

Next up was Piteå IDS in July where Aaron became second best male with CQ, CAC and r-CACIB, his second CAC in only 3 shows!!! By this time we were over thrilled about his amazing results in the rings and we really hope that he will continue to develope in the same good way as he done so far. Both Nikki and Telma got an Exc, no placements but the judge gave them some very nice word so we are happy about the outcome anyway!

At last we went to Svenstavik IDS in August where Telma and Nikki was showed. This year is the year when we are aiming for Telmas last CAC and her champion titel and at this show she was so close, so close...! She got an Exc1 with CQ and ended up as 3rd Best Bitch with reserv-CAC and reserv-CACIB! So close and yet so far away! Nikki got Exc2 with CQ and finally she became 4th Best Bitch, placed next to Telma. Besides the missing titel we are EXTREMELY happy for the results; 3rd and 4th Best Bitch are some very nice placements!

See the critics from the shows here and here

Down in Gothenburg Emmelie and WTG Milos Belizie 'Felize' also made some great results, both inside and outside the ring, At her last four shows this summer she have recieved four Excellent, two CQ and one placement in best bitch competition. Besides that she also ended up as the 10th most successful blood tracking ridgeback at the Swedish Rhodesian Ridgeback Club's blood tracking list. HUGE Congratulations to the both of you, you are an amazing team and we are so proud of you!

Finally we have found a potential male to our next litter and we will go and visit him before the summer is over. Hopefully he and Telma will like each other and if everything will go as planned we will have some puppies this winter! Fingers crossed...


WTG Milos Belizie 'Felize'